In 2007 our dreams came true when our first born, Westyn Robert Genens, was placed into our arms. Quickly our hearts were broken as we learned his heart was broken. Westyn was born with many Congenital Heart Defects. Westyn was then transferred to Advocate Children’s Hospital in Oak Lawn. He had heart surgery at 2 days old. He came home on father’s day at 3 weeks old and was doing well. We enjoyed many fun times at home with him. Westyn spent time outdoors, petting our dogs, going places in the car, watching Teletubbies, being held and watched by both Grandmas, daily visits from Grandpa, chillin’ with Dad and shopping with Mom. Sadly, he suddenly passed away at 11 weeks old in August.
Four months later, it was December. This should have been the happiest time of the year but for us it was now so hard to celebrate the holiday when our precious boy was not with us. We knew we had to do something for the children that would be spending the holidays in the hospital and with that we started collecting new toys for them. And, because of you, Westyn’s Wish is now a yearly toy drive that has grown over the last 18 holidays!
Each year we collect toys and with your help we are hoping that it can be our largest yet.
It is easy to help! We do all the work; we are just in need of volunteers to host our donation boxes! We will deliver a nicely decorated donation box for your business, group, or event and cards with our contact information before Thanksgiving. We just ask that you encourage donations of new toys for ages birth – 18 years throughout the month. Some businesses are able to offer incentives for donations or your team may want to make this a competition with another team! Whatever way you believe will help to increase donations, we will support you. We will then pick up the box by the 21st of December.
It is that easy and helps so many children! Please let us know if you are interested in supporting our Toy Drive. We cannot thank you enough for your support!
Please call Sarah Genens at 815-955-0318 or email westynswish@gmail.com
Thank you so very much!